Monday, April 24, 2006

Music II

Ok my musical taste comes from about everyone I’ve ever met. At any early age my mom thought classical would do something good for me. She would go out and get albums that she knew nothing about and make me listen to them (probably to preoccupy me from bothering her. We had no TV). To this day I will be in the car with K and he’ll be listening to something and I’ll be like “hey I know this song, its Chopin or Haydn, Bach (one of the Bach’s anyway) Mozart”, you get the idea. Being that I am from the Deep South, he usually takes a minute to stare at me and moves on. K is from another country and he’s quite educated in many things, He’s also an artist with a love of self expression. His musical knowledge is at least twice that of mine, at least that. So anyway
While my mothers plan was classical my brothers was Eric Clapton, Black Sabbath,
AC DC, Kiss, Fleetwood, Hendrix, Beatles, and hell even some Country music. Basically, they had me listening to all the music from the 60’s and 70’s. Greg even had me on Richard Pryor and Steve Martin. When we moved to Houston, new friends gave me blues music.
Hell with this… It’s dragging, Time to sum up, Classical, Blues, R&B, Rock, Metal, Rap (gangsta and hip hop), Pop (although I won’t admit to it in person), Comedy, blah, blah, blah. Not really any country aside from some 70’s stuff. Mostly Willie. And The Gambler. O and yes Jazz,Techno and Some Punk (note: Being a punk band means playing 3 songs over and over again or having all your fans call you a sell out) too.
(What the hell was my point to this?)
So more than likely I won’t have the same taste as any other creature on the planet. But F it check out this for nothing more than the sake of doing as you’re told,
Black Light Burns Wes borland and several others.Gothic, Industrial
Flyleaf Ok I just dig this, it's what Avril Lavigne begs god to be at night. Mosley shit's music better than Avril's best. Normally I'm against female teenage rock vocalist, I hate Avril she killed Sum 41. But I dig Mosley
Jonathan Coulton I know a code monkey, beside's we all need to lighten up sometimes.
There's also an artist named Sway from england (rap) that I can't find a link to. So there
is my new suggestions.
Normally I would list mor3 but it's early A M.
L8R D out.
I also like the new Rob Zombie, nothing like that of old but "100 Ways" does something cool for me.


Garrick said...

The new Blog color freaks me out.
That said, you find the coolest music.
I'll share:

j00 r0><><0rzzz!

Anonymous said...

K is from another country and he’s quite educated in many things, He’s also an artist with a love of self expression. His musical knowledge is at least twice that of mine, at least that.

After reading your entire post, I really doubt that. (And weren't you the one who introduced him to ac/dc in the first place?)

If you want new stuff to listen to, I'm really into Carmen Consoli lately, especially her live album, "l'anifteatro e la bambina impertinente", which is Italian chick + guitar + ancient Sicilian ampitheatre.

- the other angela

Anonymous said...

Black Light Burns - I was disappointed, it's a bit stale.

Flyleaf - They're good, I'm just not into the whole angry female vocalist thing right now. I've been listening to a buncha Rammstein, so her vocals are a bit... sharp for me at the moment.

Code Monkey - Couldn't get it to load, but I read the lyrics. Funny stuff.


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