Thursday, March 23, 2006


As a teenager I had several friends, people I put up withon a daily basis I should say. As I get older I find that having more and more people in my life is more a pain in my ass than it is worth. You meet someone whose cool and you think I get along with this guy/girl/dog/alien
so hey give me a call sometime and we'll do something. Next thing you know your out somewhere and they introduce you to their friends. Not always a bad thing, but then they introduce you to their freinds and so on and you know the idea. Now you have a shit load of people whom are all ok and somewhat interesting calling you all the time to do shit you did with their friends last night. My problem is this: you were all kinda fun, but you've grown to big for my small allotment of time I actually have to see friends. So you cut down on the number, then the other people you known call saying "hey how come you don't call Bob anymore, he was asking me about you the other day. Are you pissed at Bob?" I say no I just thought you were more interesting than Bob so I cut him back so I could hang with you. Which causes shit between me and my "friend". Then everyone decides I'm a concieted ass and everyone stops talking to me. Then after all that Bob calls and says "hey man I didn't have anything to do with that blacklisting shit, are we still... Friends"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude. I've barely got time to wipe my ass, much less the asses of people who don't have their own lives. It's hard enough finding people who actually are cool and don't suddenly show their true selves two months in. Then you have to go through the fucking extraction process.

I read your other posts as well. Dude.


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I'm normal, I promise...