Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Music part 1

People sometimes send me links to local or unsigned bands (actually sometimes they are signed) wanting my opinion or just for the hell of it I guess. I imagine it’s because they themselves enjoy the bands music. As for me, I’m thirty one and content with the fact that youth is wasted on the young. Personally I believe if you’re not well on your way to accomplishing your goal in life at this age you are in need of a new goal, one with a much smaller target. Goals like not dying this year from dealing with the stress of having a job, wife, and kids. Or not making the 10 o’clock news trying to pay the rent for the wife and kids. When I say smaller target one of the things I mean is a more realistic time span such as “not going to prison, this year”. Damn my own personal disappointment at my own life is leaking out into my opinion on local bands, o wait… that’s right I’m average, and everyone does this, yet another burden unsigned bands must deal with. I find most of the time that the people who pimp an unsigned on you are friends with the band and their view is tainted.
I’m not saying every unsigned band out their sucks ass, just 85% of them. Hey I know, “I’m an ass”. But you know it’s true, and if they weren’t your friends you’d tell them it sucked! Actually if they were your friends you should be obligated to tell them, look you need a new style or talent. If the actually have talent then damn you for helping them live in a lie while they had a chance to make rent doing something they love.
If you want an idea of two of the 15% I actually like (well their actually signed now, so bad example) Check out Evans Blue here http://www.evansblue.com/ or if you like something soft and easy try Anna Nalick at http://www.annanalick.com these are some of the bands who should be around for a while, with talent and the right mix of focus and style. Which will get you noticed quick and signed moments later.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


As a teenager I had several friends, people I put up withon a daily basis I should say. As I get older I find that having more and more people in my life is more a pain in my ass than it is worth. You meet someone whose cool and you think I get along with this guy/girl/dog/alien
so hey give me a call sometime and we'll do something. Next thing you know your out somewhere and they introduce you to their friends. Not always a bad thing, but then they introduce you to their freinds and so on and you know the idea. Now you have a shit load of people whom are all ok and somewhat interesting calling you all the time to do shit you did with their friends last night. My problem is this: you were all kinda fun, but you've grown to big for my small allotment of time I actually have to see friends. So you cut down on the number, then the other people you known call saying "hey how come you don't call Bob anymore, he was asking me about you the other day. Are you pissed at Bob?" I say no I just thought you were more interesting than Bob so I cut him back so I could hang with you. Which causes shit between me and my "friend". Then everyone decides I'm a concieted ass and everyone stops talking to me. Then after all that Bob calls and says "hey man I didn't have anything to do with that blacklisting shit, are we still... Friends"

More Than Me

Ok I've come up with a plan to put into perspective what I'm really like by using one of my friends (at gun point, of course) to put his own two cents on my post. How this will work? Absolutely no fraggin idea, or if it will work at all. I'm planning on "getting him"(gun reference) on board with this idea as soon as his lazy ass wakes up.
Now other problems I'm having are that I feel more censored than I used to be before I was married and old. I'm sure the family will come across this site sooner or later. The fact that I don't feel like hearing their opnions on anything I might say is damn near forcing me to post a bunch of bs to keep them happy. My real personality is not one I share with them. Yes I'm a fraud in my marrage. Well not really, I'm me just turned down alot. Beside's my wife knows me she just pefers I lie to the family. Not in those words, she just ain't gonna stop me from being polite. It's like seeing Eddie Murphy censored. It's just not funny or real, and that's me. not like Eddie but censored none the less. From my language to my personality, In reality I'm a drunken sailor who's locked in a mental institute and won't stop flashing the nurse. Sometimes i wonder if I should be allowed out of my cage. Then a quick peek at the rest of the world and I see I fit in quite nicely.
So I guess what I'm trying to say at this point is thanks, to all of you who are crazy, at least those of you who are... more than me

Must be Thursday

Must be, cause it's just one of those days that feel like something better is going happen. Which is a lie cause friday just means more crap that manages to pour over into the weekend killing what dream you had about how to use this time.
Ok so here's why I hate blogs, (yes I already know I'm a hypocrite. My foot stays firmly in my mouth at all times) so all us wanna be important people post babblings of our on life to the rest of the world (or the people you force to read yours at gun point.) while people who actually have something important to say about something that should actually be a concern to us (is Brittany Spears pregnant again? Will Lost ever reach a point in the plot that moves forward?
Does Jessica Simpson have a pimple on her ass? or talent?) can't post their information to the world, because the rest of us have cluttered the internet with boring ass post about how useless and unhappy we are in our miserable lives. Even more entertaining are the blogs about how much better they are than the rest of us. I love these! How in the hell do you have the Elephant nuts to believe that your better than the 6 billion people alive or the other trillions that have come and gone before your little bottom was even splatted on your mom's ....
Back to the point, mmm now that I think about it. Keep Blogging!! Otherwise the Terrorist win!

About Me

I'm normal, I promise...